Stretch and Reflect
Pairs stretching movements with imaginatively praying through and reflecting on various biblical passages.
Ancient of Days
A meditation on Daniel 7:9-14 where the prophet recounts a vision of the ultimate...
Everlasting Love
A meditation on Jeremiah 31:1-6 where God prophesies that, despite the Israelites'...
Run to the Battle
A prayerful reflection on 1 Samuel 17:8-9 & 48-49 as well as 2 Samuel 21:15-22. In these passages…
The Mediator of a New Covenant
A meditation on Hebrews 9:11-15 and 24-28 where the author reflects on the contrast between…
Heirs According to Promise
A meditation on Galatians 3:23-29 where Paul reflects on the fact that followers of Jesus…
Looking Back With Gratitude
9 Min
An exercise in both gratitude and faith from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and Romans…
The Blind Will See
10 Min
A creative retelling of Jesus opening the eyes of blind Bartimaeus from Mark 10:46-52.
Praying the Beatitudes
14 Min
A prayerful walk through Matthew 5:3-12, otherwise known as the Beatitudes…
Praying Psalm 1
10 Min
A walk through Psalm 1, highlighting the blessing that comes from meditating…
Blessed is the Man
9 Min
A meditation on Jeremiah 17:5-8 that describes the state of the one who trusts in created…
From Jacob to Isreal
11 Min
A reflection on the life of Jacob from Genesis 25 to 33 and how one encounter…
Delight Yourself In The Lord
10 Min
A meditation on Psalm 37:3-9 and the promise that God will satisfy the desires of those who delight themselves in Him.
For Fellowship and For Glory
8 Min
A meditation on Genesis 1:26-28 and the telos embedded in this passage…
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
8 Min
A meditation on Psalm 139:13-15 and how we are intentional acts of…
Be Still and Know
8 Min
A reflection on Psalm 46:10 which says “Be still, and know that I am God…
The New Heaven and Earth - Part 1
11 Min
The first of a four-part series looking at select passages in Revelation 21 and 22…The New Heaven and Earth - Part 2
10 Min
The second of our four-part series on the New Heavens and the new earth…
The New Heavens and Earth - Part 3
9 Min
The third of our four-part series on the New Heavens and the new earth from…
The New Heavens and Earth - Part 4
9 Min
The fourth of our four-part series on the New Heavens and the New Earth from Revelation…
Prayer for the Church of Rome
9 Min
A reflection on the apostolic prayer found in Romans 15:5-6 and 13 where Paul prays…
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